When I'm craving, I have a one-track mind.

SO when megagoetsch interrupted my hunger pangs for french toast by asking me to go to panera and finally catch up, I said yes with a hint of reluctance. I was really excited to make french toast! I had already fantasized about life post making french toast--- I would be happy and full, and happily fulfilled having entertained my double life as a semi-chef/professional eater/borderline-glutton. (Also, apparently pre-eating fantasizing makes you eat less, so go ahead, dream and drool)

But you can satiate a croissant french toast craving (not to be confused with the challah french toast craving or the reg day old bread french toast craving) with cinnamon crunch bagel right? I mean cinnamon, crusted brown sugar, bread...same dif.

Oh but no. It was dinnertime, those bagels were uneaten, and I stttillllll had CFT on my mind. 

"Grace, I want croissant french toast." (mind you, we are late to the football game)

"Eat your dang tortellini."

I didn't want no darn tortellini. Am I the only one who premeditates eating? Well, I premeditated the tortellini....and as much as I love vodka sauce, future tortellini eating Lonyae was not happy. She sort of cringed, forcing herself to gain nutrients through week old , prepackaged little noodle nuggets, and acidic sauce as she thought about sweet nothings everythings. 

so I whined and whined until I finally got the affirmation I needed.

"Make the dang french toast! Hurry up!" SO sweet. so kind. Glad she's teaching small children. Glad she doesn't like profanity.

I made it. I can't decide if it was as good as or better than I expected. Either way, TWO YUM YUMS IN THE TUM! (or four, for four croissant halves.) The batter consisted of cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla extract, orange juice, milk, heavy cream (i had some so might as well...), a little chai (same story), and two egg yolks. I had a stroke of brilliantosity and after buttering the skillet, a sprinkled brown sugar on it and then placed my dipped croissants in the pan. Oh my goodness! If you ever make french toast (reg or CFT), DO NOT MISS THIS STEP. It made up for my lack of maple syrup, although Nutella def helped. Next time, I will add a creme anglaise, and maybe even  a little mascarpone if I really want to get fancy. 

I wrote that much about food with so much. typical.
goals shmoals.

What I really want to complete is a game of this with friends.

It's hard to write this without extreme heart palpitations in anticipation of playing this beloved game I played in NZ! 
 I hope I win and you can enter to win this AMAZING (IT IS SO FUUUUN AHHH!) game here !http://www.whatmommiesneed.com/
I interrupt this very important goal-oriented blog to focus solely on the hair journey, and more specifically, on the head scarf. This is most definitely my favorite protective/low-manipulation/I-don't-have-time-to-do-much-but-I-want-to-look-cute style. Now, if I really want to go all out on the headscarf, Ima need to update the collection. Muchas gracias (or better yet, merci) to my big big Michelle for a beautiful woven Senegalese scarf. Just the thing I need to branch out from the covered head twisted bun (first picture).  I think I've talked enough. Now browse and love :)
I leave you with my faves. GIVE ME THAT FABRIC! (give me that dewy skin too ugggh). here you can see how to tie a traditional head wrap http://www.kangausa.com/tie,traditionalheadwrap.htm and other styles here http://thegloss.com/fashion/how-to-wear-a-summer-headscarf/ and here http://www.keikolynn.com/2011/07/head-scarf-tutorial.html and here http://www.naturalchica.com/2011/05/quick-chic-turban-style/
Hope you're inspired and hope you'll go for it :)
Straight to it.
How I did....
  • DID NOT finish that darn gathered skirt
  • :) make a meal (i'm thinking gnocchi with vodka sauce, yumdiferous eh?), hopefully with the Granny
  • goal #1
  • :) swim across the deep end 4 times
  • :| make deadlines for my goals
  • :) hablo mas espanol con Marta, y tomo lecciones en el ...internet (I've been slacking on listening to Spanish daily and my french listening has gone down to nil)

More smiles than green! Yay! 

But wait,

annnd the checking off of the summer goals begins 

While I did not make churros today (I really set a goal to make churros today? I'll try tomorrow lol)

alert the media, sound the horns, LONYAE IS LICENSED.

I am sleepy but before I go I must, WE IN THE HONEY, HONEY.

Doing a honey challenge.....
deep conditioning (pretty ok, will try again)
leave-in cond. (tried & failed)

and my fave.....2 week face wash challenge. Washing my face with honey only (except when/if I need to remove makeup) for 2 weeks. Will soon update with pics and results of crafts :)

Hasta la vista, bebe!

*random: http://mycraftchannelblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-craft-channel-reveals-stamping-show.html#comments They're starting a new online network (combining crafts and tech) and are giving away a free cricut! I'd love to win! EEK!

*UPDATE: still haven't won, but my time is coming, I can feel it in my crafting fingers lol
So Operation Commit and Follow Through is looking a bit dim. shoot me.

This week (ah I sound like a cubs fan, there's always next week) will be different.

This week I WILL
  • finish that darn gathered skirt
  • make a meal (i'm thinking gnocchi with vodka sauce, yumdiferous eh?), hopefully with the Granny
  • goal #1
  • swim across the deep end 4 times
  • make deadlines for my goals
  • hablo mas espanol con Marta, y tomo lecciones en el ...internet (I've been slacking on listening to Spanish daily and my french listening has gone down to nil)

and I WILL update you, for better or worse. 

Hasta la vista, bebe. 
Ah , mademoiselles. 50 minutes ago, in a spirit of flight and fancy, with fairy-like wings, I put my stubby thumbs on the little QWERTY keyboard of my phone and set off to write this blog, fully inspired by Bon Appetit. But alas, mi telefono no cooperate-tado. Tis ok, I was still inspired to go to the grocery store and make my first ever dish off of my summer goal list (of course, still remains yet to be written). I envisioned brushing the crostinis on both sides with olive oil, then putting them on the George Foreman (hey, you work with what you've got.) Then, yo estaba lista (was ready) to put fresh plum  and sun-dried tomatoes and garlic and a little balsamic vinegar and mozzarella or parmesan and juuuust enough fresh basil chiffonade ET VOILA! BAM! "I'll finally make bruschetta," I thought.

Save-a-lot doesn't sell fresh basil. The End. No happily ever after.

But you know what? At least we have a blog post. I am majorly slacking but maybe I set the bar too high. Right now, I am going to write my summer goals (ok , I'm going to eat something less exciting than bruschetta first) which is the whole darn point of this blog anyway. Eventually, I'll even update you on how I'm meeting my goals.

but for now, I bid au revoir (not adieu, which in my french lessons I am learning means goodbye forever. I need to figure out how to say Tragedy befalls us! in French, but until then, I think nil=terrible) and leave you with a few of my favorite french words/phrases/songs from my podcast. Spelling doesn't count.

je fais pee pee. (Guess)
Quelle heure est-il, Monsieur Crocodille?
heure d'manger, ma petit dejouner.

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is productivity is up! The bad news is blogging and sleep are already down for Day 2. Heck, I don't even have a day count. I'm going to ....

UPDATE: I wrote that maybe 30 min ago and have lost my train of thought. Thus, this post will be shortened. 

Tomorrow's Blog goals: Blog before swim class. Put up summer goals. Have exercise and Spanish daily goals done by blog time. Have pictures picked for each page.

Today's Quote of the Day (QOTD): 
(playing two truths and a lie with a little kid"
kid: I have a violin. I have a cat. My mom has one finger.
Us: Your mom doesn't have one finger! 
kid: nope!
Us: But you don't play the violin e
This Is It. (I feel like Michael Jackson, only slightly less accomplished.)

I was talking to Charmaine (let me digress to say that as you are my only initial viewer, yes you're exclusive, I could continue on with the "you" but third person is much more professional and makes it seem like the audience is large, not two) and probably whining and we were talking about goals and I don't know why but she yelled at me (probably because I was whining) and said "WELL YOU SHOULD WRITE A BLOG ABOUT IT!"

Charmaine, This Is It.

I cannot let you take all of the credit though because this baby has been a long time in the making. It's time for "a little less talk and a lot more action." (I hope this was as powerful as a movie scene when someone references the title...perfect example, "I am number four." If you have not seen it, watch the trailer. If you have seen it, I'm sorry, hope you also laughed so hard you almost cried. And by you, I mean plural/ustedes you, not just Charmaine you.)

Anyway, this blog is intended to keep me focused on goals, with a little less dreaming (just a little) and a lot more practice. My eyelids are heavy so I will write more tomorrow.

But a teaser for Charms on things to come.

Quotes of the day
"How did the butcher introduce his wife?"
"MEAT patty!" (Meet Patty, what a kneeslapper!)

I hope this blog will be a way to keep me goal-oriented with updates on when I fail (per request). From my quests to drive, to craft, to swim, to stay on task, even my hair journey...:)